My New Creative Outlet – The End of the Beginning

You guys remember how I started the YouTube thing? You know, my “it’s a creative outlet whatever happens is fine I know people will think it’s stupid” YouTube thing?

It’s actually super successful. And trust me, no one is more surprised then I am. As of this writing my channel has been watched over 1 million minutes! ONE MILLION MINUTES. Which breaks down to like 18,000 hours or something. The content is mostly Disney (which, frankly, who DOESN’T need more of that right now?) and a little bit of running. YouTube even agreed to start paying me for my work, albeit very little. But it’s something and I’m very proud of it!

After all, the odds were against me. My “audience” I was told by more than one dear blogger friend, was actually on Facebook so YouTube wasn’t, in fact, a very good idea.

And it started so innocently. A dinner with a friend from my old job who said, very matter of factly, “you should do YouTube. You would KILL IT on YouTube.”

And as a blogger for 7 years I’ve been used to, um, how shall we say it?

Complete obscurity.

Yes, I’ve had the occasional post that’s been well read and there are a few of you who have been faithful readers and I LOVE YOU. You’ve been kind and constructive and loving and awesome and this blog has been an amazing outlet for me. I also hope it’s inspired and amused and maybe even instructed. Mostly on what not to do.

But time, as we know, is not a respecter of persons and we all only have the same 24 hours in each day. So the blog has, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, become somewhat neglected as my new arena for storytelling has taken over.

And I’m very happy. I’m challenged and hopeful and happy.

Is the blog going away? Nope. I’ll keep her here and sometimes I’ll write but it will be sporadic as I give the time that doesn’t belong to my husband my kids or my dogs to my new favorite outlet.

And I THANK YOU for following me all these years. It’s because of all of you that any of this is possible. So thank you.

And I’ll see you soon. And if you want to see me twice a week, come see me on The YouTube. Because I’ll be there. Talk to you soon.



2 thoughts on “My New Creative Outlet – The End of the Beginning

  1. Jen ~ I’m so grateful to have “met” you and found your YouTube channel. You’re so inspiring and so full of unique insights. I was watching the other day and found myself thinking “Jen should start a series where she gives brief inspirational messages.” I’m telling you I would not only watch but I believe if you opened a Patreon page for it, you’d be surprised how many supporters signed up. Myself included. Regardless, thank you for being you and sharing with the world.

    1. That’s so weird that you said that, Bart – I was just listening to your podcast when you were talking about your patrons and I actually have a Patreon account all set up just haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet. Hmmmm . . may need to message you for some more on that. Thank you for your great words, seriously. You totally get this – it means the world when people take the time to comment and say your words meant something!!!!!

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