Running Rules I Break All The Time

Running R

I think we can all agree that there are LOTS of rules out there when it comes to running.

Every time I turn around there’s a new article telling me, as a runner and a marathoner, what to do, what not to do, and (insert huge red screaming stop light here) things I’m NEVER to do.

As a natural born rule follower, I can tell you that I do, for the most part, stick to the rules. I even did in high school. Well, we once stole a bunch of pumpkins from a stand the day after Halloween and put them in our youth pastor’s yard (gee, I hope the statute of limitations has run out on that . . .).

I don’t bandit races or run illegally with someone else’s bib.

I don’t lie about my times to get into a faster corral.

I move to the side when I’m doing a walk break.

So yeah, I’m not exactly a renegade. But I’m talking about the other things – the training, nutrition, and night before and day after type rules that seem to be EVERYWHERE.

Here are the Running Rules  I break ALL THE TIME:

NEVER drink alcohol the night before a race

Most of my big races are destination “racecations” with great friends. I don’t like being that girl that can’t have a glass of wine with her pasta (which I eat because I like it not to carb load see below). And besides, I have serious race nerves and a glass or two of wine calms me down. I used to never do this but then found ZERO difference the next day so now if I feel like drinking a little, I do. My friend, Lynn, (who drinks like a fish) likes to say she does it because you’re supposed to do the exact same thing before a race that you do before a long run. I love that girl. (please note: I’m not a big drinker so if you are please don’t “tie one on” the night before a race. That would make race morning suck.)

NEVER try something new on race day.

OK, this rule has, in my opinion, been freakishly over stated. Sure, new shoes are probably a terrible call, but a new shirt from a brand you trust is most likely not going to strangle you at mile 7. The first time I broke this rule was when I wore compression calf sleeves for the first time at the Princess Half a few years ago. A running friend of mine was appalled. My calves did not, in fact, fall off, and I guess I figured if they weren’t working for me I could just take them off, right? I didn’t and they worked great. It was my course PR.

ALWAYS Carb Load the night before a race

OK, I’ve done this and not done this and for me, it makes no difference. In fact, a recent article showed that carb loading doesn’t really work for women (I couldn’t find the article I read but I did find this paper from Colorado University that has some serious stats). I just eat what I  normally eat, maybe in slightly larger quantities, starting the days leading up to a race. Mostly because I want to (let’s face it, I’m usually at Disney). I seriously don’t think it makes a difference.

NEVER take Advil on race day

OK, I’m skirting into medical territory here, and I’m sorry, but I’ve taken Advil during a race. Not 6. Just 2. And I’m not an Advil junkie. But when you’ve got bad cramps (the female kind) on race day this is what helps.  It’s a risk I’m willing to take. Please do your own research (and I’m not a medical professional – I don’t even play on on TV).

Listen, every body is different, and in all honesty, it’s literally just now (after 6 years of running multiple half and full marathons a year) that I’ve started feeling more confident saying

Hey, you know what? I know my own body. And I’ll do what works for me, thank you very much.

So how about you? What running rules do you regularly break? Let’s enjoy our crazy rebellion together, shall we?

Happy Running! And Rule Breaking!

8 thoughts on “Running Rules I Break All The Time

  1. Uh yeah!!! It feels weird to carb load before a race and I pretty much do something new for every race and it hasn’t affected me!!! I am all about breaking race rules (when appropriate!)

  2. I’ve gotten burned using something new on race day – a CamelBak that I didn’t realize needed a chest strap to keep it in place! On the other hand, I PRd in a new model of Mizuno (my usual brand) so you never know!

    1. Yeah, that sounds like it must have been frustrating! I had an arm band for my phone give me grief during the Chicago Marathon and that sucker is probably still stuck in some Chicago sewer. I may have thrown it rather angrily into the crowd;).

  3. No big surprise here. I’m a Running rule breaker. Ran my first eight marathons without really training (don’t recommend that AT ALL), met Skirt Sports wearing my first Jette skirt on a half marathon, I run red lights (only in limited traffic), run with traffic from time to time (usually with the stroller be its safer), the list goes on and on love this post!!

    1. You know what’s funny? These comments show up on my phone and I was waiting for church to start and only saw the comment (not the author) and yet KNEW this was from you! I love it!! Yeah, you’re REALLY rebellious. I’m just mildly so;). ha!

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